Do Fitness Apps Even Work? Are They Worth It Or Not?


Hello guys, Welcome to Fitness At Home. So you want to use fitness apps. But your question is, do they even work? 

 That's what we're going to answer today. Let's hop into the article. Okay, let's cut to the chase. Do they work?

 But, before we answer that we actually have to define what work means first. It's pretty much. "An app that provides an adequate and continuous stimulus for muscle growth and strength development". Pretty much, an app where you see progress when you use it to its full capacity. Okay, now that we have that answered. 

  So now, do they work? It depends on the app. But generally, the popular apps like MAD BARZ, THENICS and THENX by chris heria. Those apps do provide a continuous stimulus for muscle growth and strength development, but here's the catch... 

 They provide it if you are a beginner - if you've never really done training before or if you're just getting into training now. Advanced athletes on the other side, won't benefit as much because it's just relatively too easy. 

 For some of you that are new, or have just started following this channel. 

 I started training back in 2013, by myself because I aspired to be like the great bruce lee. I actually have his poster right here. But yeah, I started in 2013, and later transitioned into working out with a group with my family friends. And during that time was one of the best times ever. 

  But we were following a workout plan, but it was from an app - it was mad bars. The time that we were using mad bars, their whole interface was different back then. It was very simple. It's pretty much if you were to do a google search right now - "calisthenic workouts" and go to google images, you will see the old school workout plans that we used to do.   

  We used to follow that from that app, and yes we would get significant gains and strength development from those workouts. Because, well back then, I never did pull ups. I only did push-ups so I gained a lot back then. And also I was starting to get my diet - my nutrition in check, so I was also putting on quite a bit of weight. But yes, if you're a beginner - the newbie gains are going to kick in, you are going to get stronger, you're going to feel it - you're going to feel better.  

   But for the advanced guys - you've been training for over two-three years or even longer, you're not going to advance that much. But that shouldn't deter you from trying the apps out, or recommending it to a friend, because they do work. But, if you are someone who does have experience with programming workouts and making workouts, then those workouts - whether they are easy or not, they will help you grow. Because as an advanced athlete, we know how to construct workouts that are going to push us.  

  No matter what exercises there are. We can take a beginner workout from knee push-ups and make that difficult. But yeah, I was working out with that group from 2014 to 15, I believe. And then I started training by myself. During that time I was still using a little bit of the madbar's apps and some of the other apps like thenics, but yeah, over time I started constructing my own workouts - learning from other people like Elliott Hulse, Strength Camp, Jeff Cavaliere, and started making my own workouts to provide an even more intense stimulus for me to grow. 

    So let's go over the best apps that helped me to progress when I was first starting out. Like I was saying, Mad Bars, THNX, THENICS - there's two of them, there's a Chris Heria one, and there's a different one. Freeletics is okay, and there's also another one that's called home workout, and has its own series of apps. That one's also good as well. But, honestly though, if you were to experience any one of these apps for a extended amount of time you will see progress, and you will really enjoy your training because it's not mundane, it's not tedious, it's not boring.  

  You know, it's pretty easy to go to the park or go to the gym, log into your app and just select the workout, what body part you want to work, and just do it. It's fun, it's very fun. I've had thoughts of constructing my own app so I can adjust my programs and put that in app form so it's easier for me to follow. Instead of like a word document. 

 So generally, there are good ones, but I would never say there are bad ones. There are only ones that won't help you progress. There are only ones that won't continuously help you improve your strength and improve your muscle gain. That is up to you! In order for you to continuously grow and to get better as a person, you have to always push yourself in your workouts. My philosophy in training - through the entirety of my journey from 2013 to now, has always been to make hard - easy. If the human flag or the front lever, or any of the moves or exercises were hard to me. I had an obligation, a duty to make that easy. And as soon as that became easy, I had to find a way to make my workouts and those exercises hard again. That's my training philosophy and that's how I continuously grow. Now, personally quarantine hit me like a bullet. I ate way too much, I wasn't reading my diet, I wasn't training as hard.   

  Now I'm starting to get back into it. Hopefully, I'm looking for a body recomp. You know, "hopefully" is there. In general, these apps are going to help you, if you push yourself, in general. Any kind of workout will push you. 100 burpees, 10 burpees. They will push you based on your effort. I always say. "Your workout is only as good as the effort that you put in." That's all that matters. 

  So yeah, hopefully you guys enjoyed this article and it was a pretty quick article. It's kind of a no-brainer - it's common sense. But yeah, I felt the need to make this because a lot of people are trying to find a bit more convenience in getting their fitness journey started. So, I hope you guys enjoyed the article, share the article if you found value in it, and comments down. See you guys in the next one. Thanks For Reading.

Peace out.

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