Endurance is simply doing difficult exercises or events for a long duration or holding difficult workout positions for a long duration. 

For example, holding in a squat position requires endurance, in marathons, in swimming etc.

 Many people confuses between endurance and energy. Energy is like 'Ether in Universe', it is needed for every movement but endurance is like our Milky way, it is needed but not more important than energy. 

So now we are clear that if we want to build our muscle or to compete in big platforms as athletes or bodybuilders then we have to increase our endurance. Increasing endurance is not a rocket science but it is simply doing more squats, and holding in that position for legs , swimming and much more of these types of workout. 

 So now we can say that endurance is directly related to building muscles or increasing endurance is simply preparing our body to bear more weight to build our muscles. But doing all this stuff requires a proper diet and there is a topic where our question comes that Carbs OR Protein Which is better for endurance and bodybuilding.


We all know that there are 3 major macronutrients and they are essential for our body. They are Carbohydrates,Fats and proteins. To increase our endurance we have to take all these macronutrients in a proper ratio, because with a single thing you can't build your muscle or even to be healthy you have to take all these macronutrients.

 Each macronutrients have their own role in the body. There are some stats from many scientific researches, that a healthy person take their calories of a day in a given manner-

            45-65% from Carbs,

            20-35% from Fats,

            10-35% from Protein


In Carbs there are two types. First is Simple carbs and the second is Complex carbs. Simple carbs are simple sugars which quickly break down and they don't give us energy for long time. Some examples of these types of Carbs are fruits, candy, soft drinks etc but they lack in fibre, vitamins and many key nutrients.

 Complex carbs are 3 or more molecules of sugar which last longer than simple carbs and continuously give energy to our body. Some examples are whole grains, potatoes, beans,corn and legumes and they are rich in fibre and vitamins in comparison to simple Carb's foods.

So simply we all should eat complex carbs more than simple carbs. If you want more info about Simple and Complex carbs and which Carb food is good for muscle building then please check this article.


In simple words protein is a healer because after workout when muscles breaks then protein repairs the muscle and makes it more strengthen than before. It simply works as fuel for our break muscles. This is the simple thing that we all should know about protein.

 Some good source of Protein-

 Soya chunks



 Nuts and many more.

 Fluid protein Sources



 Soymilk and many more.               



 Now, from the above info we know the basic knowledge of Carbs and Protein to make muscles and their some examples. But now the process of Carbs and Protein shows how they give us energy for any work. 


  CARBS:- When we take carbs then it converts into glucose and from glucose ATPs (Adenosine Triphosphate) are formed and it gives us energy to do our work and to do workouts. Now this is the behind the camera or inside the body process of Carbs converting into energy and this is the prefered process to take energy.

 Now there is another process from Protein which is a dangerous process. Why is it dangerous? Let's talk.

  PROTEINS:- Now if we take Protein only in our diet and avoid Carbs then that diet is called Keto diet because in that process we take energy from Ketones.

So what happens if we are on a Keto diet, if we are not working out, not doing intense events then this diet is good but when we try to do intense workout and try to build muscles with keto diet then our brains takes energy from Ketones but Ketones are always in limit. Then the required energy comes from the Gluconeogenesis process which is a backup or we can say that this process comes into action only when it comes to our survival, that's why only protein and fats are not enough to build good muscles.

 We have to take Carbs for energy. And if we try to build muscles with only fats and proteins then it affects our liver.


If you have to build good muscles then you have to take Carbs otherwise you have to suffer from some severe problems. But, you can avoid Carbs but you also have to avoid intense events. So endurance helps in building muscles and Carbs are must to build muscles.


 So take carbs, don't avoid it, take good carbs and healthy carbs. Anything in the limit doesn't affect. Proteins also play a vital role in muscle building but its work starts after workout to repair muscles and Carbs is for energy to do workout.

So both are important to take in both good quantity and a happy healthy life.